Scheduled Website Alerts

Included for free on
every Webtricity website.

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Scheduled Website Alerts

It's good customer service to notify people when your office is closed, but it can be easy to forget to update your website for every holiday.

With Webtricity, you don't have to remember. Just schedule your website alerts ahead of time, and Webtricity will display an alert banner at the top of your website automatically. And when it's time, the banner will be removed automatically as well.

Scheduled website alerts aren't just for office closures. You can schedule an alert for anything that happens on an annual basis, including:

  • holidays
  • birthdays
  • founding anniversary
  • annual office parties
  • annual training closures
  • open enrollment
  • and more

Website alerts can also be posted at any time — they don't need to be scheduled. For instance, if you're having trouble with your phone system, you can show an alert on your website notifying people that they should email you until your phones are working again.

What about holidays like Thanksgiving that aren't on the same date every year? We've got you covered. When scheduling an alert, you can choose whether it should be based on a calendar date or a holiday, and the holiday's date is calculated each year. You can also specify how many days before and how many days after a date or holiday the website alert should be displayed.

For example, you can schedule an alert notifying people that your office will be closed for Thanksgiving and the day after, and you can set the alert to show up on the Monday of that week and to be displayed until Saturday. Once you've done that, the alert shows up on the right day every year, regardless of the date on which Thanksgiving falls.