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Blog Topic Idea: Cost Increases

Blogging Better

Blog Topic Idea: Cost Increases

A common question business owners receive these days is "Why did the price of [ x ] go up?

Whether you're an insurance agent trying to explain why an insured's auto insurance premium went up 20% this year or a residential painter being drilled about why the quote is so much higher than it was when the customer had their house painted 10 years ago, the question is asked again and again.

When you start to get the same question asked repeatedly, it's time to write a blog article to explain the answer.

A blog article answering a commonly asked question can provide several benefits:

  1. It saves you time. If a customer emails you to ask this question, you can briefly write a response, and then share the link to your blog article for a deeper explanation.
  2. It shows you're paying attention to what your customers concerns are. Visitors browsing your website will see that you have taken the time to proactively share this information with a wider audience - not just when someone asks.
  3. It sets you apart from your competitors. If you're hearing the question asked from your customers, then your competitors are also getting the same question. Putting the answers on your website makes you seem accessible and on top of what your customers need.
  4. It helps with SEO. For every time someone asks you the question directly, assume many more are searching Google for an answer. Putting your response on your website in a blog article means more potential customers will find your website and see that you're clearly responding proactively and an industry expert and leader.

Keeping your blog up-to-date with relevant, timely information can be a daunting task.

Webtricity can help you out by not only providing an easy to use platform for website management and blogging, but also by offering time-saving tips on what to write about.

If writing is just not your thing, Webtricity also offers custom copywriting services.