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Blog Topic Idea: Local News

Blogging Better

Blog Topic Idea: Local News

Coming up with topics to keep your blog content fresh can be a challenge.

Adding new articles to your blog on a regular basis can boost your position on Google search, especially if the content you're posting is interesting, relevant, and unique.

One way to brainstorm a new topic is to peruse your local news headlines and ponder the ways that those headlines apply to your website visitors, existing clients, or potential customers.

Here are a couple of examples:

Deer charges through crowded Wisconsin restaurant

A deer wanders into a local restaurant, instantly regrets the decision and creates a mess during its chaotic exit. Insurance agents could explore how a business policy would handle a claim for loss business, product damage, liability, workers compensation, etc.

Police struggle to deter rising catalytic converter thefts

Catalytic converter thefts are still a common occurrence in your area. As the owner of an auto detailing service, you'd probably know a thing or two about car security as well. How can people protect their cars from this type of theft?

A California dog missing since the summer is found in Michigan

As an animal rescue advocate, what should pet owners do to ensure their pets can find their way back to them if they are lost?

Blog articles don't need to be long. A couple of well-worded paragraphs can adequately convey your message to your readers. If you're finding yourself spending hours on lengthy articles, consider breaking them into a series of posts to avoid becoming overwhelmed with the task.

Keeping your blog up-to-date with relevant, timely information can be a daunting task.

Webtricity can help you out by not only providing an easy to use platform for website management and blogging, but also by offering time-saving tips on what to write about.

If writing is just not your thing, Webtricity also offers custom copywriting services.